-Registration will open approximately one hour prior to each age group's start time, entry fee is payable at this time. Only cash or check are acceptable - no credit cards.

-Entrants under 18 MUST have a parent present at registration, with valid ID, to complete and sign the release form.

-Entry is based on a first come - first serve basis. There are only 30 to 50 contestants for each age group, this is being done due to time limitations.

-HELMETS MUST BE WORN BY ALL CONTESTANTS, pads are strongly recommended.

-All contestants will complete their first run and be given a specific time to do their best (see Schedule Detail).

-The top contestants (this number will vary depending upon the number of contestants that are in the contest) will compete in the second run and be allowed a specific time frame (see Schedule Detail).

-Prizes will be awarded at the completion of the competition for each age group.

-All entrants will receive a SK8 Del Sol t-shirt

-All decisions by the judges are final and unquestionable.

-Despite all of the above all contestants are to HAVE FUN.